Recognize, Remember, Release: Subconscious Emotional & Block Clearing Intensive MARCH 2025

Recognize the emotions and patterns that block you, Remember who you are in your heart, Release what doesn't align in ONLY 4 HOURS!!!

Special Invite ONLY Class for 4-Hour Emotion & Block Clearing Workshop

Developed especially for Coaches, Healers, And Conscious Entrepreneurs Who Want To
STOP Hurting Their Businesses (and themselves) and THRIVE

Happening Live on Sunday March 9th, at 1:00 pm ET

In This Session, Dr. Angela Will Work With You To Remove The Beliefs and Blocks That Stop You From Authentically Connecting with Your Clients and Building your Business from your Heart-Center Space


Led By Dr. Angela Martin-King of SoulFire Coaching

On Sunday March 9th, at 1:00 pm ET I'm hosting a practically-FREE four hour workshop for my heart-centered community members and past amazing clients! (only those who have done this work before are getting this invite)

I'll help you identify and release the limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks that are preventing you from really making the difference you want make in the world with your business and life.

This is NOT another sales webinar or powerpoint snooze-fest.
It's an action-based, real-results group healing class!!!!

This is 4-hours of high impact coaching where you'll unearth what is REALLY holding you back, and work with you LIVE to release the blocks that are keeping your inner self stuck or stagnant.

If you attend, you will be in a group of like-minded conscious entrepreneurs, on Zoom, 100% live.
We will require you to have your camera ON so we can be sure the process is working for you and that you are safe and well, and loving what you are experiencing.

REGISTER FOR THIS LIVE BLOCK CLEARING WORKSHOP - Link to purchase a seat is below!

Coaches, Healers, Carers: Come Prepared To Release The Emotional Blocks That Exist Between You
And The Calling of your Heart!

First, you'll have access to a video with the core concepts of what you need to understand to go through this process:

  • You're gonna learn the prime directives of the unconscious mind. How it works, and how to work with it to heal your own stuff
  • I'll demonstrate the process I use to create rapid, radical change for myself and my clients
  • I'll show you how to linguistically identify core limiting beliefs (it’s almost never what you THINKS it’s is!)
  • I'll teach you how to work with the Law of Cycles and expose what the REAL issues are that you need to resolve

Then, we're going to work on ourselves using the Quantum Time Release (QTR) process:

We'll combine:
  • Energy Work
  • Neuro-linguistic Programming
  • Light hypnotic trance
  • Alchemical forgiveness

Into a process that will release the emotions that block your prosperity, including:
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Shame
  • Limiting beliefs like “I’m not enough” and “I can’t make money doing work I love”

This is the dead weight that is blocking you from the life you truly deserve!


Led by the Wonder Twins, Cheryl and Angela, who you already know will show you the way through the emotional landmines of life to find the path towards a brighter future... while laughing and singing along the way!


Why Am I Offering This To You?

Bright One, I know you. All the work you've done on yourself needs a reset and cleansing now and then. The world has gone through some massive transitions and I've seen so many of you stumble or close your hearts. Out there, many leaders, high on enthusiasm, but shadowed by their own hurts, are unconsciously damaging the people they are trying to help... and that means you are always wondering what the truth is and who to trust!
So let's stop the doubt and get you clean and clear gain from the inside out.
At the end of the workshop, you may or may want to inquire a bit doing a little more work together, and you know I'm always game. So feel free to ask me about upcoming retreats of VIP intensives for yourself or your group. The world needs more healed hearts right now!


A Few Folks We've Worked With...

"My first experience in Quantum Healing and Transformation happened with Angela, and it took me on a life-healing journey. When working with Angela, you are guaranteed to get fired up, put to task, and initiate action, all with a fun-loving and playful quality that makes work feel like play. She really is a spiritual catalyst for healing on all levels."
- Cindi, Master Coach

"This is a no-fluff, no bullshit program and there’s nothing like it out there. Combine that with the heart of the Wonder Twins and their playful way of getting through the dark, deep pain of healing work, and you have alchemy in action. They have the ability to scale the biggest walls. They saw me... even before I saw me."
- Crystal, Word Wizard of Copy

"Thanks to this program and the community we formed, I’m climbing out of the downward spiral. My body and mind are aligned and I’m starting to feel the pull to the next level, where I can fully integrate my spiritual self. Thank you for helping me step into the light again."
- Laura V, Animal Communicator and Massage Therapist


Your Instructor

Dr. Angela Martin-King
Dr. Angela Martin-King

Angela Martin-King is a professional mentor and coach who has been working with individuals & entrepreneurs and mentoring clients for over 20 years. She is a Doctor of Chiropractic... a fine career choice for a girl who had a weird secret obsession about skeletons as a child. As well as a intriguing curiousity in how the mind works... hence, she follow her passion and became a Board Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, a Master Coach of NeuroLinguistic Programming ( very deep mindset transformative processes) and of course, has a 20 year professional career in both animal and human health and wellness.

Naturally, Dr. Angela is not your typical doctor or coach. And she is completely secure in WHO she is... and lives her life just like that!

Dr. Angela is the founder of our "SoulFire Success Academy" — a center dedicated to our unique community of people that are driven to "live their best lives and help others do the same" through personal empowerment and sharing their own authentic gifts and businesses.

Angela is also a Transformational Speaker (and freaking hilarious if you ask me), currently works as a Doctor of (Human) Chiropractic, Animal Chiropractic and... as a specialized Animal Communicator!!! She runs 3 successful businesses of her own... under one roof. Her unique talent lies in connecting on a deeper level with all of her clients, furry with 4 feet, or not, and providing them with the support they need to create wholeness and thrive, in every area of their lives.

Oh, and when she is on a roll...she makes some pretty wicked facial expressions and often lets a few FBombs out (all in love and passion)

With her heart-centred, authentic approach, Angela resonates deeply with the elite individuals who want to create financial freedom and a high-quality lifestyle for themselves and their families. Dr. Angela welcomes you to the SoulFire Success Circle and looks forward to helping you Live Your Best Life Now!

Course Curriculum

  Access to the live course on Zoom Webinars
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
It's a quantum course, so it's only 4-5 hours. 2 hours of pre-recorded material, and the LIVE time on Sunday March 9 where we do the Quantum Shifts that completely transforms your life! It's live on Sunday March 9 at 1:00 pm ET
What results can I expect?
You'll immediately feel less weighed down by emotions and weight of the past. And you may even experience some magic and miracles and the science of synchronicity!
What if I can't attend the full 4 hour block?
Because this is a highly transformational program that works in the Quantum field (aka mind-body and soul levels) it is required that you be there for the entire process. The first 90 minutes will help you get an awareness and understanding of the concepts to do the process, and the rest of the time will be spent releasing that old yucky stuff. Please make sure you can be there the ENTIRE time (it will be 3-4 hours)
Will there be a scammy schemey sales segment? Are there other obligations attached?
No. And never. This is an actual healing and transformation session, so we're focused on your process. (and the groups progress) Some of the group members will want to know what next steps or other options can choose to do more inner work. So we will share for a few moments those other options with the group as a whole. No other obligations are attached to EVER work with us :)
How do I prepare? anything I need to know?
In any of our transformation settings, being in a safe, undisturbed place is needed. You will need a private space, access to your camera and microphone on your phone or computer, and headphones are advised. Because this is a transformational process, we need to see you at all times. We advise that you set aside 2 hours this week to go through the PREP videos. And on the live day 2.5 hours for yourself, even if that means booking a baby-sitter or taking the morning off scheduled duties. We may be complete in less time, which gives you a bit to process, refresh and move into the rest of your day.
What if I can't complete the PREP WORK?
Good question. And do to the highly intense nature of the process we will do. LIVE, the PREP work is imperative. So if you cannot find the 2 hours to go through the video before Sunday March 9 at 1:00pm ET, please avoid committing to this as there will be no refunds given.

Get started now!